

Monday, August 18, 2014


Za jako tople dane, kojih je ove godine bilo tek toliko da ih  možeš nabrojati na prste, lagana i ležerna haljina u jakoj boji. U pitanju je francuski brend Cache-Cache, koji ovde na žalost ne možete pronaći ali ako ste osoba koja putuje, evo linka sa spiskom zemalja gde ih  možete pronaći
Sandale i tašna su iz Stradivariusa. Sandala više nema, zgrabila sam poslednje sa rasprodaje ali tašnu možete imati u OVOJ varjanti. Sat je Parfois, naočare, mindjuše i ogrlica random.
Fotke su sa terase naše porodične kuće i već ste videli ovaj ambijent u OVOM postu i verovatno ćete ga videti opet ali menjaće se on sa godišnjim dobima i sa nama.
Nadam se da ste krenuli hrabro u ovu sedmicu. 

For very hot days, which this year was just so much that can be counted on the fingers, light and casual dress in bright colors. It is a French brand Cache-Cache here's a link with a list of countries where you can find
Sandals and bag are from Sradivariusa. I grabbed the last sandals on sale , but you can have similar  bag  HERE Watch is Parfois, glasses, earrings and necklaces random. 
Photos are from the terrace of our family home and have already seen it  in THIS post and you'll probably see it again but  will change with the seasons and with us. 
I hope you're  brave this week.

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