Najbolje je kod kuće. Najudobnije, najopuštenije naročito ako ste uhvatili sunčani vikend. Uživanje u maminoj kuhinji, ispijanje kafe sa mnogima, koje niste sreli neko duže vreme. Pas, bicikl, bosonogost, dvorište i nezaobilazni mohito koktel doduše u "domaćoj izvedbi".Originalnog recepta se nisam mogla pridržavati pa sam ga modifikovala i pravila domaći mohito. Recept kaže na dno sipati beli šećer, staviti dosta lomljenog leda, sipati preko domaći rum, iscediti limun zatim do vrha sipati gaziranu mineralnu vodu. Ubaciti još neki krišku limuna i nezaobilazne listiće od mente!
Nadam se da ste i vi imali divan vikend. Uživajte.
Best is at home. Most comfortable, most relaxed, especially if you catch a sunny weekend. Enjoying my mother's kitchen, drinking coffee with many people I have not met for a long time. Dog, bike, barefeet, garden and unavoidable mojito cocktail, in the "home performance" .I could not stick the original recipe so I modified to domestic mojito. The recipe says to pour into the bottom of glass white sugar, put a lot of crushed ice, pour over homemade rum, squeeze lemon, then pour carbonated mineral water to top. Add another slice of lemon and mint leaves! Hope you also had a great weekend. Enjoy.
T-shirt Stradivarius/ Skirt New Yorker/ Sneakers Zara Kids/ Necklace India shop Teja/
Bag, glasses and earings unknown
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