Subota, dan kad sam se probudila jako umorna. Otrcala sam do poste da ubacim razglednicu Beograda u postansko sanduce. Izgledalo je da ce pasti kisa. Svratila u par knjizara da vidim imaju li biografiju Iana Kurtisa, koju lovimo jos od oktobra. Konacno mi stize sms da je nadjena. Sada vec potpuno bez zurbe nalazim se sa Draganom i Biljanom. Vise od 3 sata provodimo u kaficu Nusic. Znamo se sada vec 14 godina. Polako nas dele daljine.
Ugodan vikend.
Saturday, the day when I woke up very tired. I ran to the post, I put postcards in the mailbox. It seemed that the rain will fall. Stopped at a couple of bookstores to see if they have a biography of Ian Curtis. We hunting it since October. Finally I got text it's found. Now totally without the rush I meet Dragana and Biljana. More than 3 hours we spend in the cafe Nusic. We know each other now for 14 years. Slowly distances divide us.
Enjoyable weekend.
kaput/ coat unknown
torba/ bag Parfois
cizme/ boots Stradivarius
farke/jeans Terranova
dzemper/ jumper C&A
kaput/ coat unknown
torba/ bag Parfois
cizme/ boots Stradivarius
farke/jeans Terranova
dzemper/ jumper C&A
Thank you! Yes, with Bloglovin.