32. Belgrade Fashion Week je počeo u petak a tada i prilika da provedem tamo nekoliko sati! Prve sate kasnog popodneva bila sam u bekstejdžu, koji je za mene najinteresantniji deo ovakvog iskustva. Napuštam ga, da bih kao i ostali posetioci propratila otvaranje i revije. U pauzama defilea, osveženje me čeka u vip delu Belexpo centra. Veliko hvala M. i O., koje su mi omogućile novo iskustvo, divan provod i ovu priču. Bilo je ovako!
32nd Belgrade Fashion Week began on Friday and I get the opportunity to spend a few hours there! The first hours of the late afternoon I spent in the backstage, which is for me the most interesting part of this experience. After, like other visitors, I follow the opening and shows. In between the shows, refreshments was waiting for me in the VIP section of Belexpo center. A big thank to M. and O., which enabled me new experience, wonderful time, and this story. It was like this!
Dioralop (Croatia) |
Dioralop (Croatia) |
Dioralop (Croatia) Pic from FB page BFW |
Jelena Maćić šminka |
Sherri Hill |
Sherri Hill |
Sherri Hill |
Sherri Hill
Pic from FB page BFW |
Ivana Murišić ( Montenegro) |
Ivana Murišić (Montenegro) |
Ivana Murišić (Montenegro)
Pic from FB page BFW |
Ivana Murišić (Montenegro) |
Ivana Murišić (Montenegro)
Pic from FB page BFW |
Ivana Murišić (Montenegro) |
Ivana Murišić (Montenegro)
Pic from FB page BFW |
Petar Movrin (Slovenia) |
Petar Movrin (Slovenia) |
Petar Movrin (Slovenia) |
Petar Movrin (Slovenia) |
Ivana Pilja ( Serbia) |
Ivana Pilja ( Serbia) |
Ivana Pilja (Serbia) |
Petar Movrin (Slovenia) |
LINK by Ogi Antunac i Zoran Mrvos (Croatia) |
Aleksandra Mitkovska ( Macedonia) |
Rebelle lady (Serbia)
All pics made by me, except 5 pics that I indicated they are downloaded from the Facebook page of Belgrade Fashion Week.
To be continued....
Fotografije su moje, osim 5 fotki modela, preuzetih sa Fejsbuk stranice Belgrade Fashion Week, što sam i naznačila.
Nastavak sledi...