Trazila sam neke novce od mame za novi mobilni telefon. Moja Nokia je stara vec 3 godine i 6 meseci :). Jos prosle sam godine kupila za nju masku i dobila ovaj privezak od Gage <3 Nisam je menjala, jer od tada sam zelela novi telefon. Beli, sa velikim displejom, prednjom kamerom... sanjala sam ga! Pre neki dan sam se probudila! To jest probudila me moja koleginica! Novac sam dobila a onda mi je koleginica rekla " Sta ti fali ovom telefonu? Bas moras da imas onaj sto se "lista"? Ostavi te pare sa strane i lepo, u maju, otputuj negde!" Tras!!! U pravu je. Pristup internetu omugucen je svuda, foto apart imam a i kamera na ovom mi je dobra. Tako da, ako i Vi sanjate neki telefon a ne mozete da ga priustite, kupite neki sasavu masku za onaj koji vec imate. To Vam je oko 1000 din :)
I asked for some money, from my mom for a new mobile phone. My Nokia is already 3 years old and 6 months :). Even last year I bought the new cover mask and got the pendant from Gaga <3. I didn't changed it, because from then I wanted a new phone. White, with a larger display, front camera... I dreamed it. Few days ago I woke up! My colleague woke me up! I got the money, then my colleague said, "What's wrong with this phone you have now? Really have to have the one to "leaf through" ? Leave the money on the side and in May, go away somewhere!" Bam! She's right. It's possible to access the internet everywhere, I have a photo cam and the camera on my phone is just fine. So, if you dream of a phone, and you can't afford it, buy a mask for one you already have. Something funny, interesting, cute. The choice is big. That's about 10 euros :)

Kada ste doneli takvu odluku, zbog koje ste srecni, lepo napravite jednu antistress kafu i stavite na lice antsistress masku. Zbog onih dana unazad, zbog kojih ste se sekirali, kako da priustite novi telefon :) Mulitiactiv mask 65 din Lilly, Grand kafa antistress 26 din, Maxi.
When you made that decision, that makes you happy, make a anti stress coffee and put on the face mask anti stress. For those stressful days, and questions "how to afford a new phone ":)
Promenite boju kose!! Jesenje boje, me svake jeseni teraju na to! Ako zelite promenu na kratko, do proleca, nemojte ici u drasticne promene. Ne menjajte frizuru i ne farbajte kosu. Uzmite kolor sampon. Bice to dovoljno da Vas osvezi! Ja cu da probam ovaj!
Still color shampoo 167 din, Lilly
Change your hair color!! Fall colors, each fall forced me to wish that! If you want to change for a while, until spring, don't go to drastic changes. No changing hairstyle and no painting your hair. Take semi-permanent color shampoo. It will be enough to refresh you! I'll try with this one ;)
Cizme, velika investicija! Imam jedne koje sam kupila od prve plate. Model jahacih cizama. Posto opet nisam u prilici, kao i vecina vas da kupim ceo jesenji komplet ( kaput, cizme, tasna), kupila sam ovu kremu, hahahaha! Na srecu ne moram ih nositi kod obucara, dovoljno je da ih dobro ocistim i odnegujem ovom kremom. Do prvog snega, u periodu oktobra i novembra, nema potrebe da se svake godine kupuju cizme. Sredite neke zaboravljene!
Casablanca shoe polish wax 90 din u Maxiju.
Boots, a big investment! I bought one from the first salary. Model riding boots. Since I am not yet in a position, as well as most of you to buy the autumn set (coat, boots, handbags), I bought this wax, hahaha! Luckily I don't have to wear them to a shoemaker, its enough to clean them well and wax. By the time the first snow, in October and November, there is no need to buy boots every year. Refresh some forgotten!
Danas je bio i update za cetkice za zube i konac :) Ko ima malu vilicu a puno zuba kao ja, najbolji je ovaj konac na stapicu. Mozete da dohvatite i one najudaljenije zube:) Curaprox cetkice su za mene neprevazidjene, i po funkciji i po dizajnu. Ne mozete da zamislite koje tu boje postoje. Nekada nisu mogle da se kupe u Srbiji. Sada ih ima u apotekama!
Curaprox 3 za 2 kosta 1.350 din, konac 129 din u lilly apoteci.
Today was the update for tooth brushes and floss :)! Who has a small jaw and much teeth like me, the best floss is this one, on stick! You can reach those teeth that are faaaar :)! Curaprox brushes for me are unsurpassed in function and design. You can not imagine the colors. Sometimes they couldn't be bought in Serbia. Now there are in drugstores!
U nemogucnosti kupovine garderobe, obuce i torbi sa nitnama (sto svakako i nije bas potrebno), kupila sam jedne mindjuse u lokalnoj trafici, za 120 din .
The inability to buy clothes, shoes and bags with studs (which of course is not really necessary), I bought one earrings, at a local kiosk! :)
Vratite se nekim stvarima. Izradite fotografije koje cekaju na to i popunite album koji ste dobili za rodjendan (od Vesne <3 ). Novo otkrice za mene je www.
Odstampajte kupon i za 450 din izradite 50 fotki. Nice!! :)
Go back to some things. Make photos that are waiting for it and fill the album that once you got for birthday! There are many discounts for that, in this town!
Doruckujte voce, pijte vodu i vezbajte! Radite to kako znate i umete. Vezbajte kod kuce, setajte po Adi, idite na trcanje vikendom ili pre spavanja. Uclanite se negde ako imate novca i ako Vam "TO "treba da pocnete. Organizujete se na Vama odgovarajuci nacin. Uskladite! Idite na ples ako je to "vise" za vas. Ne kupujte slatkise. Dovoljan vam je onaj kolac koji pojedete kada odete kod mame ili kada ona dodje kod Vas, sa punim torbama hrane (moj slucaj prosle sedmice). Dovoljno Vam je parce torte sa slave kod komsije, rodjendana kod druga ili sa kafenisanja sa drugaricama ( svake sedmice po nesto od toga se desi). Sasvim dovoljno!
Iskreno, to Vam je jedan vid ustede, veliki. "Bez pune kese slatkisa" koju sam obicno donela posle svake nabavke, je vid moje ustede. Jos pocetkom godine sam prestala sa "jedna Milka dnevno ", na srecu!
For breakfast eat fruit, drink water and exercise! Do it how you know and can. Exercise at home, walk in park, go for a run on weekends or before bedtime. Join in some sport club if you have the money and if you need it to begin. You can organize the appropriate manner. Reconcile! Go to the dance if it's for you. Don't buy candy's. Eat cake when you go to see mom or when she comes to you, with bags full of food (my case last week). All you need is a piece of cake to celebrate with neighbors, or at a friend's birthday, on coffee with friends (every week for some of that to happen). Enough!
Honestly this is one aspect of your savings, great. Without full bags of candy that I usually buy , the form of my savings. Earlier this year I stopped "Milka choc, one in day," the luck!
Zelim mirnu i skladnu predstojecu sedmicu, svima!
Peaceful and harmonious coming weeks, everyone!
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